Steve Chou of the MyWifeQuitHerJob podcast, and website has been extremely successful as an eCommerce entrepreneur, so why would you find him talking bots? The answer is simple. He has cracked the code on how to use chatbots to nurture and serve his audience. He is someone to whom you should listen when it comes to starting and growing your business and how to do that even faster with Chatbots.
Main Mindset Obstacle:
- The biggest obstacle often is definitely mental.
- The belief that someone is out there that will buy what you have to sell is a necessary belief that Steve didn’t have at first.
- Steve also had a fear that he couldn’t generate traffic for himself. However, he dove into it and learned the right skills to generate that traffic.
- Also, at first Steve was skeptical of bots.
- For the longest time Steve was worried that he was invading someone’s privacy and it wouldn’t catch on.
- Then, he tested it, and it worked.
Steve’s Autobiography:
- Steve’s autobiography would be about running multiple businesses in order to free up time with family instead of just trying to make money for the sake of making money.
- Steve’s wife would definitely write the book for him.
- The quote Steve lives his life by is: “Who dares wins. No regrets.”
Steve’s podcast
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